Greek Life Educationals - Iowa Hillel at the University of Iowa

Greek Life Educationals

Greek Students at the University of Iowa are welcome to host their own educationals with Iowa Hillel. Browse the menu below containing some of our offerings and reach out if you would like to schedule a class!

Available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday.

A beginners guide to learning about Judaism where we will have a Rabbi present to answer anything you've wanted to know about Judaism.Act as a Mentor to new students.

Judaism 101 and Ask a Rabbi

Understanding Antisemitism

We'll be learning about the history of antisemitism, how it exists today, and what micro-aggressions look like.

Jewish Holidays 101

Learn about the beautiful traditions and meaning behind the upcoming Jewish holidays! This educational opportunity can be done multiple times, as it will be different throughout the year.

There are so many incredible traditionally Jewish foods to enjoy and depending on if someone has an Ashkenazi, Sephardic, or Mizrahi background, those traditional Jewish foods can really be quite different. Join us and try and learn about the various cuisines that make up traditionally Jewish foods and the dietary laws that are followed.

Jewish Foods

Challah Baking at Hillel

Making challah to enjoy on Friday night when the Jewish sabbath begins is a beautiful tradition. Learn about the tradition of challah baking and make some to take home!